Pool Party - Strawberry Mojito Mix
Did someone say pool party?
Shiver me timbers!!! Believe it or not, the first Mojito was drunk in the 16th century by the English pirate Richard Drake. Not because of the summer heat, but to dispel many inconveniences: the rum provided warmth during cold nights, the lime prevented scurvy and the mint and herbs freshened bad breath. What started out as a victory potion soon became everyday fare for this conqueror.
Beat the hot summer with our strawberry mojito. Just as festive, fun and refreshing as a… Pool Party. Hence the name. Here’s to a fantastic summer!
How to make it?
Add the rum to the jar. Let steep for 1 hour.
Prepare four glasses with ice cubes and divide the rum, lime juice and water between the glasses. Stir and drink up!
cane sugar, freeze-dried strawberry (17%), dried lemon, spearmint (2%)